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Don't Let Fear Make a Mess Out of You!

Fear can control a person's life. However, it does not have to be this way. Fear will inhibit a person and prevent that person from reaching potential in relationships, careers, parenting, or just simple everyday opportunities to experience joy. Fear comes in many forms. Fear shows up when a person is in danger and survival instincts kick in the fight or flight response. This is a healthy reaction. But fear can also surface in psychological ways. I am not speaking of phobias such as fear of heights, fear of spiders, or fear of closed spaces.

I am speaking of the less identified fears. Fears that prevent a person from expressing emotions to others in a honest manner. Fears that prevent a person from reaching out to new people to explore new relationships. Fears that prevent a person from trying new things. Fears that cause a person to think illogically about how others interact with us. Fears that we learn from childhood that prevent us from allowing ourselves to be emotionally or psychologically vulnerable to others. And fear will certainly tell us that we are not good enough for ..... or good enough to .... or good enough to have ...... I could go on and on listing the many fears which are not always easily identified; however, I hope that those who read this will ponder on their own deep seeded psychological and emotionally fears. Then, recognize you do have the choice to not be afraid anymore.

You can conquer your fears. Once you do you will feel empowered to embrace life in a new and different manner. You can conquer your fears on your own after you identify your fears, and you can reach out to those you trust and ask them to help you conquer your fears. Of course professional help is always available. Just imagine what you could accomplish in your life and think of the purpose you could fulfill if you did not let fear of control you and your choices.

(Dr. Barnes is a licensed professional counselor, and the owner of Tranquility Counseling Services, LLC.)

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